澳门太阳(中国)集团官方网站9728-The Best Platform


来源: 时间:2023-05-23

报告题目:Digital Twin for Smart Internet of Things(数字孪生赋能智慧物联网)




主持人:张永宏教授 无锡学院党委副书记、校长

报告人简介:张彦现任挪威奥斯陆大学信息工程学院教授,IEEE Fellow, IET Fellow。 入选欧洲科学院院士,挪威皇家科学院院士,挪威工程院院士,2018-2022连续五年全球“高被引科学家”,近期主要研究方向为新一代无线通信网络和智能安全物联网。在相关领域研究成果被引用37000+次,H因子为100。现任多个IEEE Transactions/Magazine期刊编委,包括IEEE TWC, TII, TVT, TSUSC, TGCN, TNSE, NETWORK, IoT, VTM 及 Systems Journal。并现任国内多个核心期刊编委,包括中国通信,计算机科学,物联网学报, 及数字通信与网络。

报告摘要:In this talk, we mainly introduce our recent studies on Digital Twin (DT) empowering Internet of Things (IoT).We will first introduce the main concepts and challenges related to Digital Twin. Then, we present a novel scenarioDITEN (Digital Twin Edge Networks)and the research challenges related to offloading,digital twin lifecycle, and fault-tolerance. Throughout the talk, we join DT with machine learning to add intelligence (e.g.,deep reinforcement learning, federated learning)for low-latency, privacy-preservation, and energy-efficiency in IoT systems.